Ripple Technology is dedicated to assisting companies small and large take an idea and turn it into real money using a structured process and bringing years of experience to bear. All innovators, entrepreneurs and companies have limited band width and constrained domain expertise which limits their ability to grow rapidly. Ripple is a force multiplier that allows companies to take advantage of our capabilities to quickly plan, validate and execute growth strategies and tactics.
Incubators are looking for ways to bring money and focus to their startup, either through capital or customers.
Ripple helps early stage technology companies with focus and funding.
Economic development associations are looking for way to improve the progress of their high tech sector.
Ripple helps start-up companies find focus and funding through state, federal and private funding as well as through customers.
At Ripple we use the Business Model Canvas as the framework for our engagements. This frame work focuses on nine (9) key activities that a business must execute to achieve success. We assist our clients in either completing the entire plan or focusing on the customer facing activities that are the gateway to the other components.
The completion of the entire Business Model Canvas. This is a comprehensive document that provides the framework within which the innovation can be monetized and a tactical playbook that describes task, timing and resources.
Without customers there can be no sales. One of the most difficult aspects of the innovation monetization process is correctly identifying the customer segments for your product or service. Failure to do so results in extreme frustration and ultimately failure of the innovation. We assist our clients in the identification, validation and testing of potential customer segments. Further we assist our clients in developing test that will provide an empirical go-no-go decision for each segment.
The connection between the innovation and the customer is the Value Proposition. Unique for each Customer Segment, if articulated clearly, the Value Proposition describes in simple terms how the customer benefits from the innovation. As part of the Customer Discover Testing we assist our clients in evaluating the relative strength of the value Proposition for the Customer Segment.
Most innovators do not understand that the Federal Government, through the 11 federal agencies, provides, on a competitive basis, non-dilutive grants to assist promising innovations in the development and monetization of the concept. Having won numerous grants for both our clients and our own companies, we bring a practiced eye to the process and guide our clients through the complex application and grant management process. Our guidance can be as simple as supporting the submission of the grant and as intimate as helping start and manage the company once an award is made. We have extensive experience with the following agencies:
We have found a need within the SBIR / STTR community for reasonably priced bookkeeping and financial tracking services. Most firms either charge to much or do too little. As entrepreneurs who have run companies with funding from several different agencies, we understand the challenges of managing finances in accordance with government standards. We offer a straightforward service to help you keep your books on track and stay compliant with the requirements of the various agencies that offer SBIR / STTR funding. Over and above simply tracking the numbers, we provide a lens into the future with monthly cash flow projections combined with our real-world experience and recommendations. Our number one value is the service we provide to our customers.
Government bookkeeping may not be a unique or complex offering in the face of the technical and business challenges our clients must overcome to be successful. However, building lasting, value driven relationships with our customer is what sets us apart. We act as if we are part of your business and provide both insight and advice on how to best manage your finances.
Our standard services include:
All companies need capital to grow. Whether this is through founder capital infusion, grants or capital raises, all innovations need capital to move to the next stage. Having raised capital for both our own businesses and for our clients we assist our clients in evaluating the various options open to them in the complex capital markets.
Our process is one of intimate involvement with the innovation team. We consider passing along our learnings and expertise as a key part of the process (Give a man a fish and feed him for one meal, teach him to fish and feed him for a lifetime). We focus on leveraging the domain expertise of the innovation team while bringing our structured process and innovation monetization expertise to create a high performance process that gets to decisions in an expedient manner.
The clock is ticking and your business is ready. It’s time to take your business to the next level.
Get your company and products in front of investors, distributors and most importantly, CUSTOMERS.
Tyler Tatum, Principal, Ripple Technology, LLC – Tyler has over 25 years of experience in technology focused startup ventures, including 20 years in a management/leadership role. Tyler’s core strength is his ability to turn customer needs into marketable products by facilitating communication between business leaders, current and prospective customers and technology developers. Tyler has helped Ripple Technology’s customers acquire over $20 million in funding from various SBIR programs, including NSF, NIH, DOD, DOE, EPA, USDA, and NASA. He has helped hundreds of innovators understand how to get their technologies to market. In parallel with his roles at Ripple, he currently serves at COO of Yanhai Power, LLC (an innovative fuel cell company) and CEO of MagAssemble (an innovative manufacturer of fiber optical sensors and connectors). Prior to Ripple Technology, Tatum served as Brainlike’s Chief Executive Officer, where he built revenues from zero to $1 million dollars a year with no outside investment. During his tenure at Brainlike, he was able to acquire over $4 million in research and development funding from the military.
His career began as a programmer at Netuitive in 1996 where his coding efforts helped the company raise their first $1.5 million in capital. He quickly became Netuitive’s product manager, where he led the company in selling and delivering their first products in two separate markets. After leaving Netuitive in 2001, Tatum ran Project Planet, a leading environmental services company targeting hotels and hospitality providers. At Project Planet, he achieved over 50% revenue growth in a depressed hotel market while dramatically reducing long-term debt and continuously maintaining positive cash flow. Tatum holds a B.S. in computer science from Cornell University.
Ron brings over 25 years of international executive management experience to the Ripple team. Ron’s brings extraordinary depth and understand to the issue of managing and monetizing complex data utilizing advanced analytics in privacy protected environments.
Ron founded VueLogic LLC, an advanced analytics and customer intelligence company where he served as Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer. VueLogic was acquired by Inmar Inc. in 2012. VueLogic was awarded Phase I and Phase II funding from the NSF where Ron served as the principal investigator.
Prior to founding VueLogic, Ron served as Senior Vice President of Equifax Inc. (NYSE: EFX), where he led operations in 21 countries across 5 continents. In his role as Senior Vice President his assignments included – International CIO, President Equifax Secure, President Equifax Check Services International and Chief Operating Officers Equifax Check Services. Ron currently serves on the Board of Advisors for the College of Mathematics and Statistics of Kennesaw State University. (www.kennesaw.edu). Ron holds a BBA degree from North Georgia College, a Juris Doctor from Woodrow Wilson College of Law and is a Certified Public Accountant.
Kyle has more than 10 years of consulting experience, working with organizations and leaders to improve their operations and financial performance and acquire competitive funding. His expertise is in innovation and technology commercialization; financial and organizational strategy and management; and leadership coaching and development. Kyle has worked with organizations of all sizes in the for-profit, nonprofit, government, and philanthropy sectors and is an experienced coach, facilitator, and strategist.
Kyle has worked with the University of South Carolina’s Office of Innovation, Partnerships, and Economic Engagement to commercialize technology developed at UofSC and with the South Carolina EPSCoR Program to provide early seed funding to technology startups. Additionally, he has led consulting teams focused on operational and financial health of large companies and has coached startups through accelerator and incubator programs, including the lean launchpad curriculum and customer discovery model. In each of these roles, his ability to understand organizational and individual goals has led to successful partnerships with clients that resulted in deep, trusting relationships where continued support led to exponential growth for the client.
Kyle holds a Bachelor’s Degree in political science and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of South Carolina.
We continually strive to better our client’s presence in their respective industries through strategic planning, powerful marketing and financial opportunities.
Ripple Technology is a force multiplier allowing companies to take advantage of our capabilities to quickly plan, validate and execute growth strategies and tactics. Begin the conversation and see how we can help you grow your business. Contact our office via phone, email or filling out the form below with your inquiry about our services.